Saturday, September 24, 2005

Trippin' Trip Trippie

Bryan's Hizzy
About to Trip
Waiting for Rita

Trippin' Trip Trippie

So, we woke up at 1:00 pm, and went and got margaretas. Then, we bought liquor and started drinking. Now, it's 12:32 pm, and we just talked to Sydney.

Bring it on Rita. I'll keep you updated.

Lauren -- what the fucks up with you?


Blogger lauren said...

oh dude, so much fuck is up with me. i just posted a long-ass entry, so read it and be bored! bwa-ha-haaa!

livejournal has this nifty thing called an lj-cut. puting some or all of your entry behind a cut means that people have to click to get to it--and it also means that your lj can be free of clutter-drivel. does blogger have any such thing?

ALSO. when you come from the states, you have GOT to bring me some orbitz gum. like, 5 packs of the light blue please; i'll pay you back.

9:36 AM  

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