So, here's my much delayed account of Glory, Wonder and Slendor that was Berln. I promise, I have many good, perfectly handy and reasonable excuses for my tardiness. If you care about my side of the "Mysterious Dividing Train Mystery", you should know where to look.
So, on to travelogue! We pull into Berlin last Friday, 9:00 am. We walked through a moderately sleepy, but gorgeous, moderately rainy Berlin. I think Berlin does the rain well -- it doesn't distract from it's restrained, enduring beauty.
After meeting our most gracious hostess, we walk through an adorable market and make it to Chez. Yittz.
Oh the Glory! Oh the Splendor! Wonder, Joy and Awe! It's a house. With a kitchen. And real beds. AND SHOWERS THAT DON"T SWITCH OFF EVERY 3 MINUTES. Seriously, the shower even gets hot -- steamingly hot. I know, it was intense.
After a holy shower, and some paper writing, we fall asleep. Five hours later, we emerge for more internet and supurb lentil lasagna.
Yitz and Hannah are lucky. Not only are their parents charming, intelligent, wonderful people, but they can cook. I know I've been craving home-cooked food, but shit son, this was beyond fantastic.
We meet up with Kristin, whom Lauren met her last time in Berlin. To sum up that evening, we each drank 2 liters -- yea, as in, we get 2 liter bottles of soda for parties, only beer -- making it home in time to say hello to Brian as he read his morning paper.
Repeat afternoon one: sleep, "work on papers," eat scrumptious food, go out. Saturday night, Kristin was sick, so Lauren and I embark on our own adventure.
WE FOUND THE BEST BAR IN THE WORLD.Sorry for the caps, but honestly -- best bar ever.
When Lauren returned from Berlin the first time, she kept telling me about this place, and she was right: it was the hippie homeland of Berlin. It was amazing.
The Bar of the Gods is at the top story on an artist colony. On the fourth floor we found an exhibit of Alexandre Rodin. Mind blowing. Devestating. It made me think, This THIS is why I paint, why I act, why I participate in art: because day I want to be part of the creation of work of this caliber.
Back to the Bar: it's basically a bunch of couches on a porch, with heaters, gratuitous disco balls, and tap beer. Obviously, I was in love.
As if the night could get better, we go next door for live music, at Zapatos. It was billed as jazzfunkpolkareageefolkpop. How could we pass that up. It was really good. Really really good. We got miny German lesson from the random shit/drum playing chick. Lauren restrained herself and did not throw herself on the saxophone player. It took some self control, let me tell you.
After telling some creepy English dude that I wouldn't sleep with him, no matter how hard he tried, we decided that donner kabas were in order. He kept saying everything was 'eehlahreush. Then he called us his American Whores, so we let him buy us only one more drink before we peaced.
God created donner kabbabs to prove that he loves us and wants to have a delicious, but well-balanced diet. I about shat myself.
And, we met some friendly Germans, one of whom may come to visit me at some point. I'm not holding my breathe, but hey, that'd be cool.
This past friday night, as I embarked on my failed dated attempt, somene in the kitchen someone said to me, " I don't know how you do it -- some people just meet guys all over the world. I can't."
Uh . . stay up until hours of the night drinking heavily? Or smoking at hookah bars? Don't know what to tell ya kid. . . . Honestly, I have no idea. Not that it ever works out, but that's a horse of a different color.
Anywho, we stumble in at a quarter past 8:00, again greeting Yitz' parents, as we fall in to bed. But, not before we all made plans for our awakening at noon for roasted chicken. Thank God the food was so good or I wouldn't have been able to talk myself into getting up. But, of course, it was earth moving and I didn't care that I'd had less then 3 hours of sleep and was still rather drunk.
After more sleeping and failed attempts to write paper (noticing a pattern yet?) we meet with a non-puking Kristin for the wham-bam speedy version of a tour of Berlin, taking an Oh So NEEeededd journey into the Tier Garten. Krisitin is a goddess and I shall forever be in her debt. All give due praise and glory to her wonder.
But seriously. So, after our brief sojourn to the woods, we ran all over everywhere, finally sprinting across the train station to catch a fateful train. Lauren and joked that maybe we should do that more often as a form of exercise. It was pretty entertaining.
The train proved, shall we say, adventurous? But in the end, I came to appreciate the blatant reaffirmation that there are good people out there. Genuine, wonderful, competant people. I foget that sometimes, or more specifically, forget true nature of humanity, if only given a chance. . Basically, it was life affirming, and I needed that: a mental shakeup, if only for the homecoming it produced.
So, Ireland this weekend? Right on.