Wednesday, October 26, 2005

i lost my wife!

so, our overnight train from berlin to paris split midway through the journey. some cars were going to paris, some were going to zurich.

i bet you're wondering how i knew that.

mia and i explored the train some. had a beer in the dining car. found a good study space in the bicycle storage place in car number thirty. we'd settled in to work on our papers. i went back to our car, number ninety-three, to get my laptop, food, and pillows. i was going to pick up coffee on the way back.

but the way back was not meant to be. i was tooling along toward car 30 when a conductor stopped me and said some shit in german. turns out i was in the last car of the train. the other half of the train, mia included, was going to zurich.


i explain to a few different DB dudes what's happened. they're nothing they can really do; apparently the other train has no phone. besides, what would i say to her if we spoke? so you're going to zurich, great! bring me back a souvenir? unhelpful.

things were, as you can imagine, pretty damn lame. i was helpless and worried about mia to the point of being nauseous. but at least there was mike, this dude from san francisco who helped me communicate with the conductors, then let me use his handheld to send an e-mail to mia. he reminded me that, hey, at least i'd gone back to our car to get some stuff. if i hadn't... well, let's not think about that. and he also pointed out that mia has one ot the best "dog ate my homework" stories ever. sorry, professor, my paper's not done because i accidentally went to switzerland. can i get it to you tomorrow?

so maybe i'm not cut out for trains? i've had two strikes so far: first illicitly leaving paris, and now losing ma femme. the next train mishap is sure to be a doozy. ooh, maybe i could accidentally leave the EU! or lose my passport!

but yes. the conductors later told me that mia ("your girlfriend," as they called her... oh for cute is all i have to say about germanically-compounded words) would get off in frankfort, then take a train to paris. that's not quite what happened, but i'll leave you waiting on the edge of your seats until you can hear her tale.

as for berlin, things were chill. didn't do a lot of sightseeing, since i'd already done it and we had papers to write. on friday night we went with kristin to her east side sports bar, and returned to the hostel danklemann at about 7am. [oh, and i'd like to stress that we each drank two liters of beer. two. liters. you know how much soda is in a 2-liter bottle? that much, but in beer.] we chatted with brian for a bit, as he was already up for the day.

and when we went to go out saturday night, we assured brian and linda that we wouldn't be out until 7 again. and we weren't! we were out until 8:15am.


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